In order to get the tablet working, I had to log onto my Google account. Now, Mom wants her own Google account. I don't know how to do this. So, she keeps complaining that she's getting ads aimed for me and not her. (No, I don't know why this is a problem, but anyway --) Finally, one day she wailed while holding the tablet, "I just can't get rid of you!"
Thanks, Mom.
Here I was worried about her turning into Stephen Hawking with the spine and neurological problems that I was considering cancelling the trip to see a Peter Gabriel concert in Germany. Looks like I'm going.
While I plan this trip, take care of Mom and try not to go completely out of my tiny little mind, I caught an earworm (you know -- those catchy tunes that just won't leave your head no matter what.) So I thought I'd share my current earworm with you, Gentle Reader. You're welcome.