Let's face it -- organized religion is a business. Also, we are in an unprecedented economical crisis which requires gobs and gobs of money. Who has gobs and gobs of money and hoarding it for themselves? Organized religion -- no matter what you call it -- Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Scientology -- all of them are out to make money and all of them make money and all have property and so all need to pay taxes. I'm Pagan and I'd make the Pagans and Wiccans pay, too.
Besides, what good do they do? Nothing! They're just country clubs with pews.
Organized religion claims to be humanity's greatest hope. Prove it -- shell out the money and pay your fair share of taxes. They have such faith in God -- let Him pay the bill.
Let's end with a laugh with a conversation between Bill Mahar and Christopher Hitchens about how religion poisons everything: